ZŠ Dědina ( původně ZŠ Žukovského )
ZŠ Žukovského, nynější ZŠ Dědina byla postavena v roce 1981 a vypadala uplně stejně jako x dalších škol v republice podle jedné socialistické šablony. Dvě atria, dvě tělocvičny, wc z plechových přepážek a věčně vytrhané kliky, přinejlepším nešly zamykat :-). Klecovité šatny pro každou třídu jedna společná, kde se pořád něco ztrácelo a zázračná místnost ztráty a nálezy, kde si každý moh vybrat cvičky, když zapoměl přezůvky :-).Jednou za půl roku přišla do školní ordinace zubařka nebo dětská doktorka a všichni byli najednou nemocní :-). No alespoň se jim někdo na zoubky kouknul :-). Školní jídelna by šla popsat románově a zážitky z ní má nejspíš každý na rozdávání :-) Nejčastěji šlo o střílení pecek z třešní, kousky knedlíku pěkně vymáchané v UHO omáčce a ti lepší dělali "mlýnek" z bramkaše :-). Nejlepší bylo zůstat jako poslední a přidávat si dezertík, nejlépe polárkáč. To ale vše až po tom, co si tam dítko vystálo frontu přes celou chodbu a bacha ! nepředbíhat a chodit jako třída pohromadě, jinak šla celá třída na konec fronty. Nezáviděla jsem pedagogickému dohledu tu zvěř :-). No a pak si vzít smrdutý tác, hliníkový příbor ( s lepším číslem na černém noži) a dát do okýnka sežmoulanou stravenku. Jídelní lístek na týden dopředu byla taky kapitola sama o sobě, ale upřímně, kdo rád nezavzpomíná a dodnes nejí některá jídla jen kvůli zošklivení ve ŠJ :-). No a povinné polívky ! Školní rozhlas několikrát do roka musel hlásit o povinnosti si je brát a konzumovat !. No co se týče školy, je toho hromada a nebudu sem psát ekonomické údaje o nové rekonstrukci atd, to si jistě každý přečte na ofiko stránkách školy. Co tam ale nenajdete jsou tyto fotky v albu, kde si jistě každý rád vzpomene na nesmrtelný učitelský sbor, spartakiádu, školní akademie a školy v přírodě. Veškerý váš dodaný materiál je vřele vítán ! Jen vás opět požádám o nekopírování fotografií poskytnutých ředitelem školy Dunděrou, byla to opravdu jen jeho dobrá vůle a ochota se s námi podělit.
Přehled komentářů
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(HaroldDip, 21. 8. 2023 15:01)
Если вы в поиске специалиста по кредитованию, который поможет вам найти оптимальное финансовое решение, то вы попали по адресу. Наша компания предоставляет широкий спектр услуг, связанных с кредитованием, чтобы помочь вам получить выгодные кредитные условия для ваших финансовых потребностей.
Специалист по кредитованию - это эксперт, специализирующийся на поиске и подборе наиболее подходящих кредитных предложений для клиента. Мы готовы помочь вам найти кредит с наилучшими условиями - https://chehov-vid.ru/news/society/36374/zachem-nuzhny-uslugi-kreditnogo-brokera/ , учитывая вашу платежную историю, финансовые возможности и потребности.
Сотрудничество с кредитным брокером позволяет сэкономить время и усилия, так как специалисты берут на себя все организационные моменты, связанные с оформлением кредита. Кредитный брокер также имеет доступ к различным кредитным предложениям от различных банковских учреждений. Это позволяет нам помощь в выборе наилучших кредитных вариантов в соответствии с вашими потребностями.
(HscubertPlugh, 19. 8. 2023 15:24)
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Откройте для себя мир знаний о одобрении кредита через увлекательные подкасты! Наши подкаст-эпизоды предоставляют ценные советы и опыт брокеров на процесс получения кредита. Вы узнаете о документах и требованиях, которые играют ключевую роль в успешной заявке на финансирование. Наши гости - сотрудники банков, которые делятся своим опытом и рекомендациями по улучшению вашего кредитного статуса. Слушайте наши подкасты на тему ССЫЛКА и готовьтесь к успешному получению кредита без лишних хлопот и неприятных сюрпризов!
Zlaté časy...
(Jirka, 27. 7. 2023 13:21)Dobrý den. Musím říct, že jsem zamáčkl velkou slzu. Na ZŠ Žukovského jsem chodil od roku 87 do roku 95 (to jsem šel na SŠ) a moc rád na tu dobu vzpomínám. Zažil jsem kantory na fotkách a pamatuji si i jména. Paní učitelky: Zemanová, Rohanová (první dvě byly přísné, ale nejlepší kantorky, které jsem kdy potkal), Blažková, Krátká, Bagárová, Kofroňová, Kolářová, Niklová, Lokajíčková, Hendrichová, Vyšínová, Brumovská, Bradáčová, Vojířová, Krekulová (zástupkyně ředitelky), Žežulová (zástupkyně ředitelky)... Páni učitelé Štembera, Olenič, Křiváček, Kolouch... Paní ředitelka Bukovská (zažil jsem dlouho ještě předchůdkyni, ale jméno si už nepamatuji - paní v červeném uprostřed). Často jsem byl v ředitelně "na koberečku" a často s kamarády volán do ředitelny školním rozhlasem. Chtěl jsem touto cestou poděkovat o možnost, že jsem se mohl na fotky podívat. Musím všechny učitele opravdu moc obdivovat, protože zvládat tu zvěř, to musel být očistec a nadlidský úkol. To je ostatně i dnes.
(LarryBance, 19. 7. 2023 11:58)Смотреть турецкие сериалы онлайн предоставляет возможность https://turok.cc/ насладиться захватывающими историями, яркими персонажами и красивыми пейзажами прямо из дома. Турецкие сериалы стали популярными во всем мире благодаря своей высокой продакшн-стоимости, увлекательным сюжетам и актерскому мастерству. С помощью онлайн-платформ можно выбрать любимый сериал и смотреть его в удобное время, не пропуская ни одной серии. Также можно выбрать субтитры или дубляж на нужном языке, чтобы полностью погрузиться в сюжет и насладиться атмосферой турецкого кино. Смотреть турецкие сериалы онлайн – это увлекательное путешествие в мир драмы, романтики и приключений, которое станет настоящим развлечением для любителей качественного кино
(AilliamAgisy, 6. 7. 2023 20:59)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban https://www.autosite.ua/novosti_pokupka-mototsikla-s-ruk-na-chto-obrashchat-vnimanie_56713.html riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider https://www.dynamomania.com/news/686795-kak-vybrat-velosiped-dlya-ezdy-po-gorodu-sovety-ot-motozilla compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important https://interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/792614.html factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban https://podrobnosti.ua/2466441-jak-de-zbergati-velosiped-poradi-vd-motozlli.html environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that https://www.autosite.ua/novosti_pokupka-mototsikla-s-ruk-na-chto-obrashchat-vnimanie_56713.html offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach https://infoindustria.com.ua/kompaktni-ta-potuzhni-motobloki-za-versi%d1%94yu-motozilla/ all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will https://ubr.ua/uk/ukraine-and-world/events/kakie-poderzhannye-mototsikly-luchshe-ne-pokupat-sovetuet-motozilla help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power, fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(PuilliamAgisy, 6. 7. 2023 19:55)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/771832.html riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider https://www.garant.ru/ia/press_release/1524516/ compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important https://ua.interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/771774.html factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/771832.html environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that https://www.facenews.ua/press/2023/525390/ offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach https://from-ua.com/news/637537-10-lucsix-skuterov-dlya-nacinayushhix-reiting-ot-motozilla.html all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will https://www.5.ua/novyny-kompaniy/yak-vybraty-zhinochyi-skuter-porady-vid-motozilla-297530.html help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power, fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(DavidNiz, 5. 7. 2023 13:44)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban riding https://bykvu.com/ua/bukvy/naikrashchi-motosholomy-dlia-izdy-v-doshch-i-tuman-vybir-sholoma-dlia-mototsykla-v-umovakh-obmezhenoi-vydymosti-porady-vid-motozilla/, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. https://interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/920473.html When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing https://espreso.tv/velosiped-shcho-izdit-po-vodi-mif-realnist a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power https://rubryka.com/ru/2023/05/18/rezyna-dlya-skutera/ , fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(SamuelMaf, 5. 7. 2023 12:22)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban riding https://hromadske.ua/posts/yak-obrati-velosiped-na-sezon-2023, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. https://ubr.ua/uk/ukraine-and-world/events/kakie-poderzhannye-mototsikly-luchshe-ne-pokupat-sovetuet-motozilla When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing https://espreso.tv/velosiped-shcho-izdit-po-vodi-mif-realnist a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power https://profootball.ua/461153-luis-enrike-i-ego-sbornaya-ot-futbolnogo-myacha-do-velosipedov/ , fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(RobertimmoR, 22. 6. 2023 12:53)
(KennethBum, 8. 9. 2023 13:24)